Authors & Creatives

Fr Martin Micallef

Fr Martin Micallef

Dun Martin Micallef, bin John u Jane née Bugeja, twieled fl‑10 ta’ Novembru 1967. Huwa studja fl‑Iskola Primarja ta’ Ħal Luqa fejn trabba, is‑Seminarju Minuri r‑Rabat, in‑New Lyceum l‑Imsida u l‑Università ta’ Malta fejn kiseb Baċellerat fil‑Filosofija, Psikoloġija u s‑Soċjoloġija, Baċellerat fit‑Teoloġija u Liċenzjat fit‑Teoloġija Pastorali. Ordna saċerdot fil‑5 ta’ Lulju 1996 u serva bħala viċi kappillan fil‑parroċċa Tal‑Ibraġ kif ukoll kappillan fil‑parroċċi ta’ Ħal Għaxaq u Wied il‑Għajn. Mill‑2002 serva wkoll bħal membru tal‑Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni b’Diżabilità, illum il‑Kummissjoni Nazzjonali għad‑Drittijiet tal‑Persuni b’Diżabilità. Fl‑2008 inħatar Direttur tad‑Dar tal‑Providenza fejn għadu jservi sal‑lum. Huwa jservi wkoll fil‑Parroċċa tas‑Siġġiewi.

Toni Abela

Toni Abela

L-Imħallef Toni Abela twieled il-Marsa fl-1 ta’ Lulju 1957. Ħa l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fl-iskola primarja tal-Marsa, il-Liċeo l-Ħamrun u l-Università ta’ Malta. Għal ħafna snin kien kontributur regolari ta’ kull ġimgħa f’żewġ gazzetti lokali bl-ilsien Malti, b’artikli ta’ bixra soċjo-politika. Ipproduċa kwantità ta’ programmi u dokumentarji kemm televiżivi u kif ukoll radjofoniċi. Fl-1989, kofundatur tal-Alternattiva Demokratika. Kien attiv politikament fil-Partit Laburista. Fl-2008 kellu l-kariga ta’ Deputat Mexxej għall-Affarijiet tal-Partit. Gradwa bħala avukat fl-1983. Ipprattika bħala avukat għal 34 sena. Ġie elevat għall-Bank tal-Ġudikatura Maltija bħala Mħallef tal-Qrati Superjuri fl-2016.

Martin Micallef

Martin Micallef

Rev. Prof. Martin Micallef studja t-Teoloġija fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija, fl-Università ta’ Malta, u wara kompla l-istudji tiegħu fl-Università ta’ Oxford fejn speċjalizza fl-istudji Bibliċi. Lura Malta huwa beda jgħallem l-Iskrittura fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija, fl-Università ta’ Malta filwaqt li beda u temm l-istudji tad-Dottorat fl-istess Università. Fl-2009 huwa ġie maħtur Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Iskrittura, Lhudi u Grieg fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta, sakemm fl-2013 ġie magħżul Ministru Provinċjal tal-Kapuċċini Maltin (2014-2017). Rev. Micallef huwa awtur ta’ numru ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet.

Paulann Grech

Paulann Grech

Paulann Grech is a 37 year-old inhabitant of the small island of Malta. She is a senior lecturer at the Department of Mental Health at the University of Malta – a post which she took up after several years of working within the community mental health system. She was one of the three mental health professionals who set up the mental health voluntary organisation Hearing Voices Malta. Her areas of interest are related to critical psychiatry, service user involvement and holistic approaches to understanding and managing mental distress. Her passion is to follow local and international ongoings and attempt to explore them from a mental health point of view in a way that is light, accessible and hopefully engaging. Paulann is a wife to Reuben Grech, who is a consultant neuroradiologist. She is also a mother to two munchkins: Kate, who is four years old and likes everything pink and glittery; and Luigi, who is ten months old and is yet to be convinced that not all that comes his way is edible. Apart from the love of writing, Paulann’s other soft spots are cooking and dining, anything that is related to beauty/fashion and fitness.

HG Mgr Charles J. Scicluna

HG Mgr Charles J. Scicluna

Mgr Charles J. Scicluna was born in Toronto, Canada, on 15 May 1959. He received his education in Malta and graduated Doctor of Laws from the University of Malta in 1984. After completing his Seminary studies and a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology he was ordained to the priesthood in 1986. Mgr Scicluna was sent to read Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and obtained the doctorate in Canon Law in 1991. He worked at the Malta Metropolitan Tribunal and lectured in Pastoral Theology and Canon Law at the University of Malta, whilst serving in various parishes and as Vice Rector at the Major Seminary before he was called to the Vatican to work on the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Segnatura in 1996. In 2002 Mgr Scicluna was nominated Promoter of Justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI nominated Mgr Scicluna as Auxiliary Bishop of Malta and Titular Bishop of San Leone. He was ordained Bishop on 24 November 2012 and nominated member of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith four days later. In 2015, Pope Francis nominated Mgr Scicluna as President of the College for Recourses within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. On 27 February 2015, Pope Francis appointed Mgr Scicluna as Archbishop of Malta. On 13 November 2018, Pope Francis also appointed Mgr Scicluna as Adjunct Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See.

Lino Bianco

Born in 1965, Professor Lino Bianco is an architect and an engineer, an academic and a diplomat. He graduated with a BA in philosophy and human studies, BE&A (Hons) in architecture and civil engineering, MSc in geology, MSc in architectural history and a PhD in architecture and politics. He is a full-time resident academic at the University of Malta. He also teaches at other universities on mainland Europe. During his professional and academic career, he authored over 250 technical and scientific reports; several publications are in international peer-reviewed academic journals. He served on a number of scientific and technical committees and in various public offices. He was awarded the Order of the Madara Horseman (1st Class) by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Cross of Commander pro Merito Melitensi by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and was appointed a Member of the Order of Merit by the President of the Republic of Malta.

Rebekah Grima

Rebekah Grima

Rebekah Grima twieldet fl-1983 u hija minn San Pawl il-Baħar. L-imħabba għall-kitba u l-produzzjoni ġew imxettla fiha sa minn età żgħira meta kienet tattendi fil-iskola ta' Santa Monika. Fl-2004, gradwat fil-Midja u l-komunikazzjoni u l-istudji Ewropej mill-Università ta' Malta. Hija ħadmet fis-settur tar-radju u t-televiżjoni bħala ġurnalista u għamlet parti mit-tim tal-produzzjoni ta' Xarabank u Bijografiji għal diversi snin. Matul il-ħidma tagħha fil-midja lokali, flimkien mat-tim rebħet diversi unuri għall-produzzjoni u l-kitba televiżiva. Fis-sena 2015 hija emigrat lejn il-Kanada. Rebekah hija omm ta' żewġt itfal, Matteo u Chloe. Kien proprju minħabba t-tfal tagħha li ddeċidiet li tibda tikteb stejjer qosra u ħelwin għat-tfal bil-Malti. Fil-ħin liberu tagħha, hija tħobb tkun kreattiva u tħobb issegwi programmi ta' ġrajjiet kurrenti kemm lokali u anke dawk internazzjonali. Hija tħobb tgħin u ta' spiss tagħmel xogħol volontarju għal diversi entitajiet. Tinteressa ruħha wkoll fil-psikoloġija però l-aktar ħaġa għal qalba hija l-lingwa Maltija.

Patricia Bondin

Patricia Bondin twieldet u trabbiet ir-Rabat, Malta viċin il-Knisja ta’ San Duminku. Missierha kien surmast tal-iskola primarja u allura l-ġibda għall-edukazzjoni u t-tagħlim kienet waħda naturali sa minn ċkunitha. Wara li żżewwġet emigrat lejn l-Awstralja u l-ġibda għall-vokazzjoni tat-tagħlim baqgħet tikber tant li bejn it-trobbija ta’ tliet itfal u impenji oħra ddeċidiet li tidħol l-Universita’ biex issir għalliema. Meta rritorjat Malta, bdiet tgħallem fl-iskejjel tal-istat. Hekk kif irtirat bdiet tikteb kotba għat-tfal.

Jean Claude Attard

Jean Claude Attard

Jean Claude Attard, born in Malta in 1992 and ordained priest in 2022, received a master’s degree in environmental anthropology from the University of Aberdeen and a licentiate in pastoral theology from the University of Malta. Attard is presently a doctoral candidate at the Department of Theological Ethics within the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna.

Carmel Cassar

Carmel Cassar

Carmel Cassar is Professor of Cultural History, Director of the Institute of Maltese Studies, and Chairman of the Platform for Mediterranean Foodways at the Mediterranean Institute, all at the University of Malta. He read for an MPhil in Social Anthropology at Cambridge and defended his PhD in Cultural History at Cambridge in 1994. He has published widely on Maltese and Mediterranean culture and history and has numerous papers in learned journals, book chapters, and encyclopaedia entries. After graduating in History and Italian, Cassar spent a few years reconstituting large sections of the Cathedral archives, particularly those pertaining to the Roman Inquisition, the Bishop’s Curia, and the spogli of members of the Order of St John. Cassar was later responsible for the development of the Ethnography Section, and particularly the rehabilitation of the Inquisitor’s Palace at Birgu, within the then Malta Museums Department. He also co-founded and served as first Leader of the Slow Food Malta Convivium and helped to generate a research-based interest in the history of food in Malta. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society and member of the Renaissance Society of America and of the Malta Historical Society.

Conrad Thake

Conrad Thake

Prof Conrad Thake is an architect, urban planner and architectural historian. He graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Architecture, from the University of California, at Berkeley, U.S.A (1996). He has co-authored with the late Dr. Quentin Hughes, the two volumes 'Malta,“ The Baroque Island', (2003) and 'Malta War & Peace, an Architectural Chronicle 1800-2000', (2005). He is has published in several prestigious international journals such as L'Arca, Demetra, Palladio, and Spazio e Società. Thake is a Salzburg fellow . He has served in the past as a member of the Development Control Commission, the Planning Appeals Board, the Mediterranean Conference Centre management board and the Valletta Rehabilitation Committee.

Amanda Zahra

Amanda Zahra

Amanda Zahra is a dedicated advocate for animals, an accomplished children's book author, and a fervent nature enthusiast. Her passion for the environment and commitment to animal welfare have been the driving force behind her diverse endeavours. As a devoted volunteer, Mandy as she is better known, spends countless hours working at a cat shelter, providing care and support to cats in need. Her hands-on experience has not only deepened her understanding of animal behaviour but has also fuelled her determination to raise awareness about their welfare. In addition to her volunteer work, Mandy is a gifted storyteller with a knack for captivating young minds through her career as an educator. Shadow who is her adopted Pitbull has been the inspiration behind the book; Shadow finds a home. Driven by her unwavering passion for animal welfare, Mandy continues to make a meaningful impact through her volunteer work, storytelling, and advocacy efforts.

Joseph Debono

Joseph Debono

Joseph Debono twieled fil-25 ta’ Mejju, 1958, u trabba l-Belt Valletta. Tgħallem fl-iskola tal-Pilar, il-Belt, fil-Liċeo, il-Ħamrun, u fl-Iskola Sekondarja Ogħla, il-Belt. Għamel karriera ta’ ebgħin sena fis-settur bankarju, l-ewwel f’Mid-Med Bank u wara f’HSBC Bank Malta, l-aktar fid-dipartiment tat-taħriġ tar-riżorsi umani. Meta rtira studja u ġab id-diploma ta’ gwida tat-turisti mill-ITS u għal tliet snin ħadem għal rasu bħala gwida. Irtira bil-pensjoni ta’ 61 fl-2019. Għal diversi snin kien involut fil-media, l-aktar fit-tv. Kiteb, ipproduċa jew ippreżenta għadd ta’ programmi fosthom Aħn’Aħna jew m’Aħniex? (1988), Asterisk (1989) u O Żmien Ħelu (1992), imma baqa’ magħruf l-aktar għax ħoloq u interpreta l-karattru popolari ta’ James Bondin fil-programm Xarabank. F’Marzu 2020 sar jaf li marad bl-ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), u minħabba li l-marda pparalizzatu, tgħallem juża għajnejh biex jikteb fuq il-kompjuter. L-ewwel rumanz ta' Joseph Debono, Iz-Ziju Manwel, ġie ppubblikat f'Novembru 2020 u kien ġie mibugħ kollu f'sitt ġimgħat. F'Jannar 2021 reġa ġie stampat mill-ġdid. It-tieni rumanza ta' Joseph Debono hu It-Teżor ta' Klement. Qabel, ippubblika diversi stejjer qosra fis-sensiela Għidli Mitejn. Joseph Debono hu miżżewweġ lil Tanya u għandhom żewġ ulied, Andrew u Peter.

Ron Briffa

Ron Briffa

Ron Briffa beda l-karriera tiegħu bħala student fid-Drama Unit Theatre Programme (DUTP). Matul dan il-perjodu pparteċipa f’diversi produzzjonijiet imtellgħin mid-DUTP lokalment kif ukoll f’numru ta’ festivals internazzjonali bħal Lingen fil-Ġermanja (2001), f’Budapest l-Ungerija (2002), fi Brussell il-Belġju (2003) u fi Vjenna l-Awstrija (2004). Wara dan il-perjodu mexa għat-televiżjoni fejn ħadem fuq diversi proġetti li varjaw minn programmi tat-tfal għal quiz shows u programmi kulturali. L-iktar impenn reċenti tiegħu fuq it-televiżjoni hu SERATARON fuq TVM. Impenjat ukoll bi programmi tar-radju kuljum fuq 103 Malta’s Heart. Fost il-proġetti l-aktar favoriti hemm Voices, li involva ruħu fih mill-2004 sal-2016. Fost l-esperjenzi passati fuq il-palk insibu La Vedova Allegra (Operetta), The Alchemist, MADC Panto, Sibna ż-Żejt, Berretto a Sonagli ta’ Pirandello, Caught in the Net, B’Tal-Linja Jaqbillek Żgur, Aħna u Huma, Aħn’Aħwa jew m’Aħniex, La Mandragola u Il-Ħarsa ta’ Rużann ta’ Francis Ebejer, fi proġett li dar l-iskejjel Maltin bħala parti mill-programm Culture Pass. Dan l-aħħar ipparteċipa f’Masterclass imtella’ minn Teatru Malta dwar il-kitba u r-rappreżentazzjoni ta’ xogħlijiet solo, immexxi minn Stella Pulo.

Carmel Serracino

Carmel Serracino

Carmel Serracino twieled fl-1971 u huwa lettur anzjan tal-Klassiċi fl-Università ta’ Malta. L-imħabba għad-dinja klassika nżergħet fih ta’ età żgħira meta, fis-snin sebgħin, kien mar mal-familja tiegħu r-Rialto Cinema f’Bormla jara Le Fatiche di Ercole (1958), film mitoloġiku li kien inħareġ mill-ġdid għall-wiri fis-swali taċ-ċinema f’Malta. Madankollu, kienet b’ċikka li, bosta snin wara, spiċċa jistudja b’mod serju l-klassiċi l-Università ta’ Malta, meta s-suġġett li xtaq jistudja dak iż-żmien, l-Istorja tal-Arti, ma kienx ġie offrut is-sena li fiha daħal jistudja l-Università. Apparti pubblikazzjonijiet akkademiċi, fosthom Dwar l-Arti tal-Poeżija: Traduzzjoni għall-Malti ta’ ΠΕΡΙ ΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΗΣ ta’ Aristotli (Malta Classics Association, BDL Publishing 2012), Fabulae Melitae Mirabiles (Malta Classics Association 2022), Ardet Amans: Essays in honour of Horatio Caesar Roger Vella (Midsea Books 2022), u Kellimna, Ja Muża! (flimkien ma’ Andrew Debono Cauchi, Klabb Kotba Maltin 2023), Serracino esplora l-faxxinu divers tal-Klassiċi f’forom differenti tal-midja, fosthom ir-radju (l-iktar riċenti, is-sensiela Klassiċi, Klassiċi! (Campus FM 2019) u t-teatru bil-kitba u produzzjoni ta’ drammi oriġinali fosthom Is-Simpożju (2011), Vivamus et Amemus (2013) u Il-Properzju tal-Professur (2014).

Laurence Mizzi

Laurence Mizzi

Laurence Mizzi beda l-karriera tiegħu bħala għalliem. Fl-1956 ngħaqad mad-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni (DOI) fit-Taqsima Xandir għall-Iskejjel u fl-1964 inħatar Organizzatur tax-Xandir għall-Iskejjel, kariga li baqa’ jżomm sal-1982. Bejn l-1986 u l-1989 kien membru tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir u għall-erba’ snin ta’ wara kien chairman tal-istess Awtorità. Laurence Mizzi kiteb għadd kbir ta’ radjudrammi u teledrammi. Huwa għamel snin twal jieħu sehem u jippreżenta, programmi fuq ir-Rediffusion u t-TVM, fosthom il-programm soċjo-reliġjuż Djalogu. Mizzi huwa awtur ta’ għadd mhux żgħir ta’ kotba fosthom Dħaħen tal-Gwerra (1973), Inkwiet u Qaddisin (1976), Għall-Ħolma ta’ Ħajtu (1980), Meta Faqqgħet il-Gwerra (1990), Maltin fil-Gwerra (1992), Minn Wara l-Mikrofonu (1994) Mixlija b’Konġura u Tradiment (1996), Il-Knisja u Malta fil-Gwerra (2005), u Ħsad fil-Ħarifa (2011). Tlieta mill-kotba nqalbu għall-Ingliż u wieħed inqaleb fit-Taljan (Per il Sogno della Sua Vita) u kien stampat Ruma fl-1980. Fl-2000 Laurence Mizzi nħatar Membru tal-Ordni tal-Mertu (MOM).

Richard England

Richard England

Richard England was born in Malta and graduated in Architecture from the University of Malta. He continued his studies in Italy at the Milan Polytechnic while working as a student-architect in the studio of the Italian architect-designer Gio Ponti. England, is also a poet, sculptor, photographer, artist and the author of several books on art and architecture. Monographs have been published on his work in England and Italy by Charles Knevitt, Chris Abel, Dennis Sharp, Edwin Heathcote and Maurizio Vitta. England holds professorships at various universities in the U.S.A, U.K. and Europe and for sometime was Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Malta. He is an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, and Vice-President of the International Academy of Architecture, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an Officer of The Order of Merit of the Government of Malta. He is also the recipient of a number of Honoris Causa doctorates and his buildings and designs have earned him numerous International awards, including the C.I.C.A. silver medal, the 2000 Belgrade Architectural Triennale Gold Medal and various International Academy of Architecture Awards including the 2006 and 2015 Grand Prix and the 2012 Annual Award. He is also the recipient of the local Emanuele Luigi Galizia Award for Lifetime Achievement 2018, and in the same year he was made a Commendatore dell’Ordine della Stella D’Italia. Among his best known works in Malta are the Church of St Joseph at Manikata, the Central Bank of Malta Annexe, the Millennium Chapel, the rehabilitation of the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity in Valletta, and the Dar il-Ħanin Samaritan Complex in Santa Venera.

Mario Thomas Vassallo

Mario Thomas Vassallo

Mario Thomas Vassallo twieled il-Mosta f’familja ta’ erbgħa, flimkien m’ommu u missieru u ħuh il-kbir. L-ewwel isem ingħatalu għall-Madonna għax twieled bla mistenni jumejn qabel Santa Marija. It-tieni isem ifakkar f ’nannuh Majsi li kellu ħanut tat-te n-Naxxar. Taħt daru, fis-sular t’isfel, kienu jgħixu n-nanniet tan-naħa t’ommu. Dejjem tgħallem fl-iskejjel tal-istat u xorob ħafna tagħlim siewi mill-Oratorju Qalb ta’ Ġesù tal-Mosta. Ħadem ħafna fil-volontarjat, kemm fuq livell lokali, nazzjonali u lil hinn minn xtutna. Fl-Università ta’ Malta studja l-management, it-tmexxija politika u l-istudji Ewropej u fl-2015 kiseb Dottorat fix-xjenza politika mill-Università ta’ Sheffield, l-Ingilterra. Għal tnax-il sena stabbilixxa karriera maniġerjali fl-oqsma tar-riżorsi umani u t-taħriġ fil-kumpanijia Go plc, sakemm fl-2008 ngħaqad bħala lettur fl-Università ta’ Malta. Fost oħrajn, jgħallem ir-riċerka xjentifika, l-amministrazzjoni pubblika, is-soċjetà ċivili, il-politika fl-arti u l-letteratura, u l-governanza sopranazzjonali. Kitbietu ġew ippubblikati lokalment u internazzjonalment. Koeditur tas-serje ta’ kotba bl-isem Public Life in Malta li tinkorpora kitbiet fuq il-governanza, il-politika u l-ħajja pubblika f ’Malta. Ipproduċa għadd ta’ sensiliet radjufoniċi li jitrattaw temi soċjali, politiċi u ta’ Melitensia fuq Campus FM, FM Bronja u Radju Malta. Fl-2021 beda jservi bħala kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Pubblika fi ħdan il-Fakultà tal-Ekonomija, il-Ġestazzjoni u l-Kontabilità. Huwa wkoll id-Delegat tar-Rettur għall-Istitut tas-Servizzi Pubbliċi u Direttur fuq il-Bord tal-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi ta’ Ħarsien Soċjali. Mario huwa miżżewweġ lil Liberata u għandom żewġ ulied, Martina u Elisa. Joqogħdu f ’dar antika fis-Siġġiewi.

Consiglia Azzopardi

Consilgia Azzopardi

"Consiglia Azzopardi studied at St Mary’s Grammar School in Victoria, Gozo, and at the Mater Admirabilis Teachers’ Training College, tal-Virtù, Rabat, Malta. Azzopardi pursued her studies at the University of Malta, and in 2002 she graduated in Master of Philosophy after defending successfully her dissertation Antique Maltese Lace of the time of the Knights 1530-1798. Azzopardi is a PhD graduate. She researched Maltese Lace of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She lectures at the University of Malta and co-ordinates courses in the technique of Maltese Lace. She leads The Gozo Lace Cooperative which was established in 1996. Consiglia Azzopardi is a well-known lacemaker and academic in the field. Articles and studies written by Azzopardi were published in local and international journals and magazines."

Gordon Caruana Dingli

Gordon Caruana Dingli

Gordon Caruana Dingli has been an enthusiast of spaceflight for over 50 years ever since he watched the Apollo 11 Moon landing on television as a young boy. That event and the television programmes ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Space 1999’ stimulated his interest in science. Gordon qualified MD from the University of Malta in 1984 and he then trained in surgery in Malta, Italy and the UK. He is a Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Edinburgh and Glasgow. He was president of the Association of Surgeons of Malta, of the Medical Association of Malta and of the Commonwealth Medical Association. He represented Malta on the UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists). He is currently a Consultant General and Breast Surgeon, Clinical Chairman of the Department of Surgery and Head of the St Agatha Breast Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital, and senior lecturer at the University of Malta. He is an examiner for the Malta Medical School and for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He has published on surgical topics in peer-reviewed journals. In 2001 he was the Malta coordinator for the NASA Starshine project and in 2009 he chaired the Malta committee of the International Year of Astronomy. He has also published media articles and delivered lectures on space travel. Gordon has two daughters, Sarah and Lisa, and he is married to Petra.

Jessica Muscat

Jessica Muscat

Jessica Muscat, author of The Darmanin Artists: Decorative Marble Production for the British Empire (Kite Group, 2021) obtained a Masters Degree in Art History from the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Malta. She obtained a Distinction for her research on the Darmanin family of artists, which focused on their decorative marble production for the British Empire in the nineteenth century. Her interest in art history has developed over the past years, specifically during her Bachelor’s degree when she graduated with First Class Honours. During her time at university she served as Vice President to the History of Art Students’ Association and was awarded the prestigious Dean’s List Award for reaching levels of academic excellence

Michael Refalo

Michael Refalo

Michael Refalo graduated in Laws in 1980. In 2009 he obtained a PhD from the University of Malta with a thesis entitled The Maltese Commercial Class: Business, Families, Networks, 1870-1914. He has written a number of papers on 19th century Malta as well as five books. He is an award-winning award. Michael is married to Nadette and has three children, Enzo, Angela and Paul; and one grandson.

Nathalie de Gabriele Ferrante

Nathalie de Gabriele Ferrante

Nathalie de Gabriele Ferrante twieldet u trabbiet f’Santa Venera. Minn tfulitha kont issibha bi ktieb f’idha. L-għaxqa tagħha hija li ddoqq strumenti varji u li tgħaqqad il-mużika u l-kitba kreattivi għaliha u għall-istudenti tal-pjanu tagħha. S’issa, il-kitba tagħha tista’ tinstab online, flimkien max-xogħol ikkreat fl-isfond ta’ Taħżiż u Artivisti. Kordi tal-Ħajja huwa l-ewwel ktieb li ppublikat Nathalie.

Tonio Borg

Tonio Borg

Tonio Borg is a resident lecturer in public law at the University of Malta. Having graduated LL.D in 1979 and PhD in 2018. He is a former European Commissioner, and a former Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Minister. He is also a member of the Management Committee of the European Medicines Agency. In 2018 he was appointed member of the Steering Committee on Constitutional Reform. He was made a Companion of the Order of Merit (KOM) by the President of Malta in December 2018. He is the author of A Commentary on the Constitution of Malta (Kite Group, 2016) the first textbook on Maltese Constitutional law ever published in Malta. He is married to Adele nee’ Galea and they have three children.

Carmel Spiteri

Carmel Spiteri

Carmel Spiteri, the author of Country Villas in XVIII Century Malta (Kite Group, 2020) obtained a certificate and a diploma from the International Institute for Baroque studies at the University of Malta. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in History of Art and was recently awarded a Master’s degree in the same discipline from the University of Malta. The author is an interior designer by profession and is passionate about Malta’s cultural heritage.

Victor Calleja

Victor Calleja

Before taking up writing on a full-time basis Victor Calleja, the author of 'Where's my brother and other confession? (Kite Group, 2015) ran a nimble, innovative and very successful, company which specialised in business to business publications. Having worked in marketing, sales, advertising and PR gives him extensive knowledge about what the market expects and seeing things from a wider perspective rather than just creating content. His work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, books and blogs and has a style that is considered fresh and original.

Mark Schembri

Mark Schembri

Mark Schembri twieled fl-1977, huwa mill-Mosta, u llum jgħix u jaħdem fil-Furjana. Studja l-arti u d-disinn grafiku fil-kulleġġ fejn illum hu l-MCAST f'Tarġa Gap il-Mosta, kif ukoll fid-Danimarka. Maż-żmien l-arti tal-pittura bdiet tiġbdu iżjed minn kull suġġett ieħor, minkejja li għadu sal-lum jaħdem fid-disinn grafiku. Din id-direzzjoni wasslitu biex tella' diversi wirjiet filwaqt li pparteċipa f'ħafna oħrajn kollettivi. Fost xogħlijiet f'postijiet pubbliċi nsibu kwadru fis-sagristija tal-Bażilika tal-Mosta, kwadru ritratt fil-Knisja tal-Imġarr, u mural max-xatt tal-Isla. Linja oħra li nfetħitlu matul il-karriera artistika tiegħu hi dik tal-karikatura. Fl-2014 ġie mqabbad mill-Kunsill tal-Arti sabiex jiddisinja karrijet b'tema ta' satira politika wara 'l fuq minn tmenin sena li kienet iċċensurata. Flimkien ma' Kite Group, Mark ħadem illustrazzjonijiet karikatorjali għal diversi kotba umoristiċi, fosthom Politika bi Tbissima, Ġustizzja bi Tbissima, Ċajt mis-Sagristija, Praspar mill-Klinika, Xenati minn Fuq il-Palk, Zelqiet Sportivi, Iċ-Ċirasa, Ċajt ta' Klassi.

George Cassar

George Cassar

Comm. Prof. George Cassar is Associate Professor at the Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture, University of Malta. He is author / editor of numerous publications in the areas of History, Education, Social Studies, Sociology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture, and is editor-in-chief of the journals Sacra Militia, Arkivju, and The Educator. Prof. Cassar has extensive experience in the management of EU projects. He holds the awards ‘Ġieħ il-Mosta’, ‘Grazzi Badge’, and ‘Commendatore pro Merito Melitensi’.

Caroline Miggiani

Caroline Miggiani

Caroline Miggiani graduated from the University of Malta in 2012 with a degree in History of Art. Her undergraduate dissertation was entitled Picturing the War. Malta Seen through the Eyes of British Artists, 1939-1945. In 2015 she persued her studies and read for a Masters Degree within the Department of Arts and Art History at the University of Malta. The Official Colours of War, which spotlights the Malta sojourn of British war artist Leslie Cole in 1943, is the outcome of her Masters Dissertation which was submitted to the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Malta in 2017.

JP Tabone

JP Tabone

JP Tabone, born in 1967, pharmacist, graduated from the University of Malta in 1991. Since then he has worked mainly in the pharmaceutical sector but has interests in other sectors too. His work has taken him to different places in the world, amongst which he spent prolonged periods in places like North Africa and Nigeria. In his free time, he enjoys reading, food and obviously a good bottle of wine. He loves adventure and amongst his hobbies are skiing, fishing and hunting, as he feels all three give him a certain degree of an adrenaline rush. He enjoys spending quality time with his family and close friends.

Mario Galea

Mario Galea

Mario Galea twieled fl-1962, fiż-Żejtun. Attenda l-Kulleġġ De La Salle u wara l-Università ta’ Malta fejn iggradwa f’B.Sc Nursing Hons. Dan l-aħħar kiseb ukoll Post Graduate Diploma in Election Observation and Election Monitoring mill-Università ta’ Basque fi Spanja. Ilu jikkontesta l-elezzjoni mal-Partit Nazzjonalista mill-1992 fejn dejjem ġie elett ħlief bejn l-1996 u l-1998. Okkupa diversi karigi fil-Partit Nazzjonalista fosthom bħala Segretarju Informazzjoni u serva kemm fuq l-Amministrattiv u l-Eżekuttiv tal-Partit. Bejn l-2008 u l-2013, inħatar bħala Segretarju Parlamentari responsabbli mill-Anzjani u Saħħa Mentali fost oħrajn. Hu serva bħala osservatur tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Commonwealth f’diversi elezzjonijiet madwar id-dinja, fejn għal diversi drabi kien ukoll Head of Mission. Ilu jikteb artikli taċ-Ċirasa mill-1983.

Kenneth Vella

Kenneth Vella

Kenneth Vella, awtur tal-kotba ppubblikati minn Kite Group 'L-Istorja ta' Isard du Pont' u 'Salvu Sant: familja, politika u sports' beda l-karriera ġurnalistika tiegħu fl-1992 bħala kummentatur sportiv ma’ Radio One Live. Fl-istess sena ngħaqad mal-Public Broadcasting Services u sar wieħed mill-preżentaturi u kummentaturi sportivi dwar it-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel għal Radju Malta u Television Malta. Fl-1996 beda jikteb regolarment artikli dwar it-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel fil-gazzetti In-Nazzjon u Il-Mument. Fl-2010 sar ukoll il-korrispondent tat-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel għall-gazzetta The Times of Malta. Barra dan, artikli tiegħu jidhru wkoll minn żmien għal żmien f’rivisti internazzjonali. Fil-qasam televiżiv matul is-snin ipproduċa u ppreżenta diversi dokumentarji dwar it-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel minn diversi pajjiżi, fosthom l-Italja, l-Iżvezja, Franza u anki l-Emirati Għarab Magħquda. Bi tnejn minn dawn, fl-2002 u l-2003, Vella rebaħ ukoll l-award tal-aħjar programm sportiv tas-sena mogħti mill-Awtorità tax-Xandir. Kenneth Vella ħa l-edukazzjoni tiegħu fl-iskola primarja tal-Marsa, fil-Junior Lyceum Liċeo Vassalli tal-Ħandaq f’Ħal Qormi u Ġ.F. Abela Upper Lyceum, l-Imsida. Fl- 1996, hu ggradwa fil-Baċellerat fl-Edukazzjoni (bl-unuri) mill-Università ta’ Malta u fl-2003 ingħata wkoll diploma post graduate fl-Amministrazzjoni u Tmexxija tal- Edukazzjoni segwita minn Masters fit-Tmexxija Edukattiva fl-2008. Dawn iż-żewġ korsijiet, Vella għamilhom ukoll fl-Università ta’ Malta. Hu kompla bl-istudji tiegħu barra l-pajjiż u fl-2015 kiseb Dottorat fir-Riċerka u l-Iżvilupp fil-qasam Edukattiv mill-Università ta’ Lincoln fl-Ingilterra. Dr Kenneth Vella huwa wkoll il-Kap tal-Iskola Mater Boni-Consilii St Joseph Paola u lecturer part time fi ħdan il-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni fl-Università ta’ Malta. Hu miżżewweġ lil Lorraine u għandhom tifla, Mariah Martina.

Marie Briguglio

Marie Briguglio

Marie Briguglio, author of the award-winning title 'No Man's Land, People, Place and Pollution; is a resident academic at the University of Malta. She completed an Honours degree in Economics (Malta), a Master of Science degree in Environmental and Resources Economics (London) and a PhD in Economics (Stirling). Her main research interests are market failure, environmental behaviour and well-being and she is the University of Malta’s Principal Investigator on a number of research projects in the field. Previously, Marie held various senior public sector positions, including at the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. Marie is also an award-winning screenwriter and producer.

Steve Bonello

Steve Bonello

Steve Bonello is a freelance artist, cartoonist and illustrator. In his previous working life he was employed in the aviation business for thirty years, and after that a short stint in commuter transport. Steve has contributed cartoons to the Sunday Times (Malta) since 1991 and has had two personal shows of his work in Malta in 1988 and 1991. He returned to the exhibition scene in 2014. Steve has also been involved in a few book illustration projects. In 2015 he was the Maltese cartoonist chosen to participate in an EU wide exhibition organised by French NGO Cartooning for Peace at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Charles Buttigieg

Charles Buttigieg

Twieled fid-29 ta’ April, 1947, iż-Żejtun. Fl-20 ta’ Diċembru, 1965, daħal junior reporter mal-gazzetta Il-Ħaddiem, li kienet tal-Moviment Żgħażagħ Ħaddiema Nsara. Fl-1 ta’ Jannar, 1970, sar senior reporter mal-gazzetta Il-Ħajja, li kienet sussidjata mill-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Fl-1 ta’ Ġunju, 1972, inħatar bħala l-editur tal-istess gazzetta. F’Ottubru 1987, ġie appuntat Uffiċjal għar-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliċi tal-Kurja tal-Arċisqof. Kompla f’din il-kariga sad-29 ta’ April, 2009. Mill-1987, beda jagħti servizz volontarju fil-qasam tal-protezzjoni tar-refuġjati , fil-Kummissjoni Emigranti, li kienet taħdem id f’id mal-UNHCR. Fl-2000, sar l-ewwel Kummissarju għar-Refuġjati f’Malta. Huwa rtira mill-kariga minn jeddu f’Ġunju 2007. Minn Mejju 2009 beda jagħmel xogħol freelance.

Joe Friggieri

Joe Friggieri huwa Professur tal-Filosofija l-Università ta’ Malta. Ix-xogħlijiet akkademiċi tiegħu jinkludu żewġ kotba fuq il-filosfu Ingliż J.L. Austin u In-Nisġa tal-Ħsieb, l-ewwel storja tal-filosofija bil-Malti, fi tliet volumi (2000, 2007, 2014). Fil-qasam letterarju kiteb u ppubblika tliet ġabriet ta’ poeżija (Intervalli, Kadenzi u Mitt Ħajku), ħames drammi twal (Mid-Djarju ta’ Sara, Tkun Darb’oħra Mikelanġ, Trappisti, Caravaggio: l-Inkjesta u L-Għanja taċ-Ċinju), u ħafna stejjer qosra, fosthom L-Istejjer tar-Ronnie (1992 u 2007), li kisbu popolarità kbira fost l-istudenti u l-għalliema, Ħrejjef għal Żmienna (1996 u 2015), li nqalbu għall-Ingliż, il-Franċiż u l-Ġermaniż, u li dehret reċensjoni estensiva tagħhom fit-Times Literary Supplement (TLS, 22 ta’ Ottubru, 2004), u Nismagħhom Jgħidu, Il-Fiera tal-Fuħħar, Il-Gzira l-Bajda u Wident il-Baħar pubblikazzjonijiet ta' Kite Group. Kiteb il-librett talewwel opra bil-Malti, Il-Wegħda, ta’ Charles Camilleri, u l-lirika tal-ġabriet Kanti Popolari, Għanjiet minn Malta, u Mal-Kant tal- Baħar tal-istess kompożitur. Ipproduċa u ppreżenta programmi kulturali fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir, fosthom Priżma, Wiċċ imb wiċċ mal-Kittieb, Il-Kwadru Tiegħi, u Kotba, Ideat u Ħajja, u jieħu sehem regolarment fi programmi ta’ diskussjoni fuq temi attwali u ġrajjiet kurrenti. Idderieġa għadd kbir ta’ drammi bil- Malti u bl-Ingliż, fosthom sebgħa ta’ Shakespeare. Kien chairman tat-Teatru Manoel (1990-93), membru tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir (1993-96), u chairman tal-Kunsill tal-Arti u l-Kultura (2003-05). Fl-2017 inħatar chairman tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ilsien Malti. Għall-kontribut tiegħu fil-qasam kulturali u edukattiv inħatar Membru tal-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu fl-2008.

Victor Aquilina

Victor Aquilina

Victor Aquilina is a former editor of the Times of Malta and Malta correspondent for the Associated Press. He is the author of Strickland House, The standard-bearers and launching of the Times of Malta, Book One: 1921–1935 (2010); Strickland House, Times of Malta at war and Labour Party’s sweeping victory, Book Two: 1935–1947 (2015), Lord Strickland: Plots and Intrigue in Colonial Malta (2019), Black Monday (2019) and Churchill, Malta, and Gibraltar (2021).

Tarċisju Zarb

Tarċisju Zarb huwa għalliem ekklettiku, li jikteb, ekklettikament ukoll - lingwistika, grammatika, kritika letterarja, etnografija, tagħrif ta' xeħta psikoloġika u soċjoloġika għall-istudenti, kif ukoll tagħrifiet ta' xeħtiet varji, li huwa jaqsam mal-utenti tal-midja soċjali, kif ukoll fil-forom ta' kotba, testi ta' taħriġ, għajnuniet għall-istudenti, gazzetti u magazines. Tarċisju Zarb jemmen li l-ebda għalliem-kittieb, ma jista' jingħalaq f'xi forma waħda ta' suġġett/qasam tal-għerf. Għall-kuntrarju kull qasam ta' għerf, ibda minn dak lingwistiku u spiċċa f'dak xjentifiku u umanistiku, għandhom jawtofertilizzaw lil xulxin. Barra l-approċċ pedagoġiku magħruf bħala 'The Scribe Approach', li huwa ppreżenta f’seminars internazzjonali, Zarb jemmen ukoll fil-Pedagoġika-Poe, tip ta' pedagoġija, li fil-fehma tiegħu, tara l-'poeżija', jew aħjar il-'poetiċità' f'kull skritt. B'xi mod, wieħed jista' jgħid, li bħala għalliem, jew kif iħobb isostnu hu 'tgħalliem' (learner), dan il-metodu, f'ambjent ta' stimuli djalogisti, joħloq testi ġodda minn kull tip ta' test -- xejn inqas minn kull kelma, frażi, sentenza.

Sarah Ellul

Sarah Ellul

Sarah Ellul hija minn Ħal Luqa, studjat il-Malti u l-Psikoloġija, filwaqt li kompliet fuq it-tagħlim tal-Malti għall-istudenti fl-iskejjel sekondarji ġewwa l-Università ta’ Malta. Ilha tgħallem għal ħmistax-il sena u preżentament tgħallem il-Malti fl-iskola sekondarja Sacred Heart ta’ San Ġiljan. Il-kitba hija għal qalbha ħafna, infatti kitbet żewġ kotba oħra li huma riżorsa għal-livell sekondarju: Tiżwiqa – ktieb ta’ taħriġ dwar il-qari, u Sferi – ktieb ta’ noti dwar xogħlijiet letterarji. Ħasset li xtaqet timraħ lejn il-kotba tal-qari għat-tfal u mit-tfal. Bintha Sophie hija s-sors ewlieni ta’ ispirazzjoni kreattiva fejn jidħol dan il-qasam u magħha tħossha li timraħ f’baħar ta’ immaġinazzjoni li ma taqta’ qatt. Hija tittama li permezz tal-kotba, it-tfal ikomplu jsibu ħin sabiex ikattru l-kreattività tagħhom, f’dinja li xi drabi trid titfa’ lil kulħadd f'keffa waħda. Minbarra l-kitba, għandha għal qalbha l-qari ta’ kull xorta ta’ ktieb, u tgħożż ħafna t-teatru u l-mużika.

Saviour Darmanin

Saviour Darmanin

Saviour Darmanin (twieled fis-7 ta' Marzu 1977) huwa eks-plejer tal-futbol Malti. Matul il-karriera tiegħu, hu lagħab bħala gowler. Saviour huwa mfakkar li kien parti mill-iskwadra ta' Valletta meta għelbu lil Juventus fl-2008, fejn hu salva penalty biex rebbaħ il-logħba lil Valletta.

Christian Attard

Christian Attard

Christian Attard is a lecturer, a researcher, and an exhibition curator. He lectures at the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Malta, and at the Malta School of Art, Valletta. He has published several papers which deal with different aspects of Art History. Attard has also published a monograph about the artist Gianni Vella and edited a book about the cultic Ta’ Ġieżu Crucifix. He has co-curated the exhibitions The Schranz Artists: A Journey of Rediscovery and Reaching for the Spirit: 20th-century images of the Sacred and the Spiritual, amongst others. Attard is especially interested in the visual cultural elements that shape up multi-layered interpretations of images and iconographies.

Joseph Scicluna

Joseph Scicluna

Joseph Scicluna was born in Gozo on 11 September 1968. He received his tertiary education at the University of Toronto and at the University of Malta. Mr Scicluna developed an interest in Fort Chambray while growing up in Għajnsielem. After returning to his home town in 2009, he started his research on the history of the fortress and the Norman Knight who financed its construction.

Ray ‘Zazu’ Farrugia

Ray 'Zazu' Farrugia

Raymond "Żażu" Farrugia kien player u coach tat-team nazzjonali Malti bejn l-2018 u l-2019. Hu beda l-karriera tiegħu mal-Furjana u wara emigra lejn l-Awstralja fejn kien jilgħab mal-Melita Eagles. Meta ġie lura Malta beda jilgħab ma' Naxxar Lions fejn wara sar ukoll coach ta' dan it-team.

Enrique Tabone

Enriqué Tabone

Enriqué Tabone (b. 1987) is a Maltese artist who has established a reputation for her thought-provoking and emotive works that explore the complexities of the human experience. She began her artistic journey as a teenager, developing her practical skills as a designer and visual artist, studying at the newly established Art & Design school within the Malta College of Art, Science, and Technogy (MCAST) at Tarġa Gap. She later went on to study at the University of Salford in Manchester, United Kingdom. She has remained in the Greater Manchester area, where she now conducts research and teaches at the Digital Curation Lab situated at MediaCityUK. Tabone's work is celebrated for its ability to capture the essence of Maltese culture and history, while also addressing universal themes of identity, tradition, and modernity. Her use of form and light is dynamic, blending the traditional and the contemporary, creating pieces that are both familiar and new. Notable for their emotional depth and technical mastery, Tabone’s works are often admired as evocative and thought-provoking by art critics and audiences alike. Her works have appeared at several exhibitions, events, and venues, including the Ostrale Contemporary Art Biennale 2019 in Dresden, Germany, which came soon after her first solo exhibition at The Mill in Birkirkara, Malta, operated by the Gabriel Caruana Foundation. More recently her art has been exhibited in Manchester, London, and a solo retrospective in Valletta in 2022. A short film she co-produced in 2016 with Jenny Mercieca, Wild Flower, was featured at the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennale.

Toni Sant

Toni Sant

Toni Sant is the Director of the Digital Curation Lab at MediaCityUK with the University of Salford. Between 2014 and 2020 he was the Artistic Director of Spazju Kreattiv, Malta’s National Centre for Creativity. Toni has written widely about digital curation and media archaeology, starting with his book Franklin Furnace & the Spirit of the Avant Garde: A History of the Future (Intellect, 2011). Other books include Remembering Rediffusion in Malta: A History Without Future? (Midsea Books, 2016), Documenting Performance: The Context and Processes of Digital Curation and Archiving (Bloomsbury, 2017), Ejjew Nidħku Ftit Ieħor ma’ Charles Clews (SKS, 2019), and The Spazju Kreattiv Art Collection (Fondazzjoni Kreattività, 2020). In 2021 he was awarded the National Book Prize of Malta for literary non-fiction for a book of Facebook posts called Jien-Noti-Jien (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2020), which he co-authored with EU Literature Prize winner Immanuel Mifsud during the first Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. This was followed by the publication of his first novel Varjetà: l-istorja kważi vera tal-kumpanija Stage Commandos (KKM, 2021). He is also an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, published by Routledge. Kite Group published his book Enrique Taboné: Catalgue Raisonné in 2023.

Theresa Vella

Theresa Vella

Dr Theresa Vella is an art historian and museologist with a research interest in as the history of art collecting. Between 2009 and 2012, she read for a PhD at the University of Bristol. She is the author of Charles Frederick de Brocktorff: Watercolours of Malta at the National Library, Valletta, Volume II (2008), and has published essays on Matteo Perez d’Aleccio, Mattia Preti, Michele Bellanti, Antonio Sciortino, Mary Depiro and Joseph Calleja amongst others. She was the Curator of the Fine Arts Section of the Museums Department, as well as Heritage Malta. After over 25 years in the public heritage sector, Dr Vella moved to the private sector as founding partner of Curatorial Studio, providing art consultancy services in collections, heritage and research. She is a senior visiting lecturer in History of Art and Museology at the University of Malta. In 2019 she was elected President of the Malta Historical Society.

Daniel Cilia

Daniel Cilia

Daniel Cilia born in Gozo, Malta in 1963, has been pursuing photography since he was thirteen. Self‑taught, he learnt the technical aspects of photography, and more importantly realized how light shapes and forms our visual perceptions of everyday life. Cilia’s first major exhibition was at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta, Malta in 1986. That year he was awarded the Licentiate of Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. In 1988 he transferred himself to Florence, Italy. Cilia has since lectured at the National College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Oslo, Norway (1989), and was in charge of the Photographic Department of the Art Institute of Florence, Lorenzo de Medici, from 1990 to 1995. His work has been exhibited and published in many countries. Since turning professional in 1988, Cilia has specialized in editorial photographic design, with 144 books about the Maltese islands and their history to his credit.

Amanda Tanti

Amanda Tanti

Amanda Tanti hija minn Ħaż-Żebbuġ studjajt fl-Università ta’ Malta fejn kisbet il-Baċellerat fil-Malti u fl-Istudji Soċjali u d-Diploma fl-Edukazzjoni. Għamlet ukoll il-kors tal-Qari tal-Provi fl-Università ta’ Malta. Għandha esperjenza bħala għalliema tal-Malti f’diversi skejjel fil-livell sekondarju. Bħalissa tgħallem il-Malti l-Kulleġġ tas-Sacred Heart. Għandha għal qalbha l-lingwa Maltija u hi kburija b’dak kollu li jagħmilna Maltin u jagħtina identità. Minn età żgħira kienu jaffaxxinawha l-kotba u d-dinja immaġinarja li jaf idaħħlek fiha l-ktieb. Minkejja li kitbet kotba oħra fil-livell sekondarju bl-isem ta’ Sferi u Tiżwiqa dejjem kellha x-xewqa li tikteb kotba għat-tfal tal-etajiet bikrija. Binha Blake kien l-ispirazzjoni ewlenija sabiex din il-ħolma saret realtà u għinha biex ikollha grinta u determinazzjoni sabiex twettaq din ix-xewqa. L-għan tagħha huwa li permezz tal-kitbiet tagħha l-qarrejja mhux biss jieħdu gost jaqraw imma jgħinhom iwessgħu l-vokabularju u l-kreattività tagħhom kif ukoll japprezzaw kotba li huma bil-lingwa Maltija.

Alex Attard

Alex Attard

Alex Attard’s practice blurs the line between documentation and artistic expression. Following thoughtful research and analysis, his photographs tap into what he calls the overlooked performance and the less observed aspects of the world around us. With a focus on the natural and urban environment as well as performative space, he works in series to create compelling visual narratives that curate reality. Attard has exhibited his work in several solo shows, Out of Now, Il-Kamra ta’ Fuq, 2021; Parallel Existences, Valletta Contemporary, 2018; A Wandering Eye, Spazju Kreattiv, 2017; and The Overlooked Performance, Spazju Kreattiv, 2015. In 2018 his monograph Parallel Existences in collaboration with the Notarial Archives Foundation and published by Kite Group was awarded the Malta National Book Prize for the Best Book Production and in 2023 he received an honourable mention in the Fine Art Book category at the International Photography Awards. A selection of Attard’s works form part of the National Art Collection of Malta, the Arts Council Malta, and Fondazjoni Kreattiva, Malta’s National Centre for Creativity.

Robert Musumeci

Robert Musumeci

Robert Musumeci obtained a PhD in Law from the University of Malta with his dissertation entitled ‘Judicial Interpretation of Maltese development planning law. Eliciting the added value’ after having been previously selected by the same University for the prize of Best Doctor of Laws Thesis Award in 2016 for his work entitled ‘The Development Planning Act 2016 – A critical Appraisal’. Prior to being admitted to the Maltese Bar, Dr Musumeci had graduated as a perit in 1997 and then moved on to also obtain a Masters Degree in Conservation Technology in Masonry Buildings in 2004. He is a former chairperson of the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC) and was later appointed as a government consultant in the reform which led to Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s demerger, the establishment of the Lands Authority, the introduction of a regulatory framework for Estate Agents, the drafting of the constitutional amendments pertaining to the Gender Balance in Parliament Reform and the setting up of the Building Construction Authority. Dr Musumeci is also a senior lecturer in planning law and administrative law at the University of Malta. In addition to this publication, he has also penned the books ‘Selected Principles of Maltese Planning Law’ and ‘Servitujiet,’ both of which are published by Kite Group. Dr Musumeci is the first to hold warrants to practice both as a lawyer and a perit in Malta.

Austin Bencini

Austin Bencini

Austin Bencini was educated at St Aloysius’ College, B’Kara. He was conferred the Diploma Notary Public in 1978 and the degree of Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) in 1979. He was President of the University Students Catholic Movement. Dr. Bencini was admitted to the Bar of Malta and to the Chamber of Advocates in 1980. He sat on the Committee of the Chamber of Advocates from 1980 till 2009 and served as Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary and Vice-President. He chaired the Committee for Advocates of the Commission for the Administration of Justice. Dr Bencini is senior lecturer in the Department of Public Law of the University of Malta and he was conferred the degree of Ph.D on the thesis The Supremacy of the Constitution of Malta. He served as Head of Department of Public Law and was Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Laws.

Jake Navarro

Jake Navarro

Jake Navarro's passion for law and writing began in Sixth Form and has since guided his academic pursuits. His most significant project to date is a book entitled Administrative Fines and the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, published by Kite Group. He served as the Director of Legal Publications for the European Law Student Association, where he was also the editor-in-chief of the Peer-Reviewed Elsa Malta Law Review. Additionally, he has contributed to various academic and policy papers. He is eager to deepen his engagement in academia and further invest in writing, particularly in the legal field.

Andrew Azzopardi

Andrew Azzopardi

Andrew Azzopardi huwa Associate Professor fl-Università ta’ Malta fejn ġab il-professorat tiegħu fil-ħidma fil-qasam tal-komunità u tad-diżabbiltà. Hu l-ewwel professur fl-Università ta’ Malta speċjalizzat f’dawn is-setturi. Jgħallem u jirriċerka f’diversi oqsma tax-xjenzi soċjali u mexxa wkoll madwar 70 proġett li l-għan tagħhom kien li jagħti dejta empirika f’oqsma soċjali qabel ma jiġu maħluqa servizzi u strateġiji. Dan, wisq probabbli, kien l-ewwel darba li bdejna naraw lill-Università fejn fl-oqsma soċjali taħdem fil-qrib biex tiddemokratizza l-għarfien b’tant deċiżjoni. Azzopardi huwa awtur, ko-awtur, editur u ko-editur ta’ diversi xogħlijiet fl-oqsma tal-attiviżmu soċjali, id-diżabbiltà, l-iżvilupp tal-komunità, il-politika u s-soċjoloġija. Fost oħrajn editja l-ktieb George Abela – qalb in-nies. Huwa wkoll xandar stabbilit. Il-programm ta’ ġrajjiet kurrenti tiegħu ‘Għandi xi ngħid’ dam jiġi mxandar għal aktar minn 12-il sena fuq Radju Malta u issa fuq RTK103 fejn biddel ismu għal ‘Andrew Azzopardi on RTK103’. Qabel dan kien ixandar ukoll fuq Campus 103.7. Huwa wkoll attiv fil-qasam tas-saħħa mentali, tal-ġustizzja fil-ħabs kif ukoll kummentatur politiku. Hu miżżewweġ lil Sue Azzopardi, lettur fl-Institute for Education, u għandhom żewġt itfal, Karl, editur online ta’ Malta Today, u Claire, kowċ professjonali tal-ġinnastika u atleta. Il-kompletezza tal-familja tinstab f’Dante, il-labrador, u Xewka, il-qattusa adottata mix-Xewkija, Għawdex. Hu minn Birkirkara u joqgħod fir-raħal pittoresk ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ.

Patrick J Fenech

Patrick J Fenech

Patrick J Fenech is a practicing artist and educator. He started photography in the late 70s and soon after was awarded a 4 year scholarship by the Institute Italiano di Cultura to study photography and design in Florence and Milan. He later on obtained an MFA in Digital Arts from the University of Malta, where he is now a visiting lecturer of Photography in the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences, and The Built Environment. His works have been exhibited in solo and group shows in museums, biennales, private galleries and public spaces in Europe, America and Asia. Museum group shows include: The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC and the Kunstmuseum in Wolfsburg, Germany. Art festivals and biennales include, Rencontres D’Arles 2008, NordArt 2013, Valletta Capital of Culture 2018, Ostrale Biennale 2019, Goethe Institute Dresden 2019, and Rijeka Capital of Culture 2020. His works can be found in state, private and public collections such as the The American Embassy and The French Embassy in Malta, MUZA Fine Arts collection, Malta International Airport, The Farsons Cisk plc collection, MAPFRE MSV Life plc, and others. A number of his works have been published in contemporary art books and international magazines.

David Ellul

David Ellul

David Ellul sat for a diploma in Design Foundation and obtained a bachelor’s degree in Built Environment Studies from the University of Malta. He pursued his master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design, graduating as an architect in 2018. He currently practices as an architect and has also a keen interest in the history of Maltese architecture.

John Stanton

John Stanton

John Stanton is a Senior Lecturer in Law at City St George’s, University of London. He has also worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Malta and at Brickfields Asia College. He is widely published in the field of UK Constitutional Law. He has recently published an important book on UK local government law, entitled Law, Localism, and the Constitution, and he is co-author of Public Law, a leading textbook with Oxford University Press. He has also published several articles and book chapters on Maltese Constitutional Law. John is married to Theresa (née Bigwood) and they have two sons.

Jordan Sant

Jordan Sant twieled fl-2000 u huwa studjuż tal-Istorja. Wara li ġab il-lawrja fis-suġġett, kompla jistudja l-Istorja fejn ġab il-Master’s fl-2024. Ħafna mir-riċerka tal-istudji tiegħu hi dedikata għall-Istorja tal-Italja, b’mod partikolari dik Rinaxximentali. Infatti, it-teżi li ssottometta għall-Master’s fl-Istorja kienet intitolata Monarchy and Republics in Lombardy and Tuscany from the High Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Madankollu, sa minn ċkunitu, Sant kien dejjem affaxxinat mid-dinja klassika, b’mod partikolari mill-Istorja Rumana. Ta’ età żgħira, kien minn dejjem ifittex affarijiet li għandhom x’jaqsmu mar-Rumani, sew jekk kotba, sew jekk xi ġugarell jew xi logħba, u din il-passjoni ġiet iżjed imsaħħa permezz taċ-ċinema. Wieħed mill-iżjed, jekk mhux l-iżjed film li għandu għal qalbu, huwa Ben-Hur (1959), li bla dubju huwa wieħed mill-ikbar films epiċi fl-istorja taċ-ċinema, oltre għall-importanza li ħalla speċjalment f’dik li hija perċezzjoni popolari li għandna tar-Rumani. Għadu jiftakar u jgħożż il-memorja tan-nanna li kienet tħobb ħafna dawn il-films ambjentati f’Ruma Antika u li għaddietlu din l-imħabba għalihom. Dawn il-fatturi wassluh biex isir studjuż intiż tad-dinja Rumana li kompla jissaħħaħ permezz tal-istudju tal-Latin.


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