HM King Simeon II
Introduction: The Grace of Visitation
Vladimir Gradev
1. The Ring Metaphor and the Spirit of Sofia
Lino Bianco
2. Valletta: A City in History
Lino Bianco
3. Limestone in Post-War British Architecture:
Is it a Plea for a Return to Pugin?
Lino Bianco
4. Hegel’s Notion of Gothic Architecture
Lino Bianco
5. L’Année Dernière à Marienbad and the Cartography of an Orphic
Life-in-Death: The Modern Katábasis of Resnais
Saviour Catania and Lino Bianco
6. Music in Teaching Religion and in Primary Schools
Lino Bianco, Irene Dillon and Marlene Gatt