We specialise in
& PR
Your brand defines who you are and what you stand for. Creating an outstanding brand and maintaining the edge are central to how you are perceived and the reputation you build.
At Kite Group, we know what’s out there. We know how to make you stand out in the crowd and keep ahead of your competition. We offer an extensive portfolio of services to get you to the top, and keep you there.
Our secret: Kite Group knows the media, and most importantly, the media knows us. We know the best people in the business to develop your project and position you where you’ll make the best impact.
This is how we make it happen:
Brand Development
Develop your brand, including idea development, consumer focus groups, brand design concept development and testing
Brand publicity
Brand publicity, media and communications strategy, media relations support, media visits and copy-writing
Creative services
Creative services, including graphic design, concept photography, creative scripting and printing
Audio Visual
Audio-visual productions, including development of storyboards, television features and programmes, documentaries, radio advertising and features, video editing and interactive media
Event Management
Organisation of events including inaugurations, dinners, launches, fairs and conventions
Digital Marketing
Web platforms, digital applications and social media initiatives
Client Testimonials
I would like to show appreciation for the publisher of this book - the ability to guide, give feedback and support an author in a humane and super efficient manner is a unique combo of qualities. It is also priceless.
Dr Paulann Grech
AuthorSince its very recent foundation Kite Group published very interesting additions to Melitensia. All their books are de lux publications. These books are finished to international standards.
Charles Magro
Book Reviewer"Din id-dar tal-pubblikazzjoni żagħżugħa fiż-żmien imma anzjana bl-esperjenza ta’ min imexxiha ma tibżax timraħ fl-oqsma differenti tal-ktieb, kif mixhud minn pubblikazzjonijiet ta’ valur u interess bħall-bijografiji ta’ Sergio Grech, ir-riċerka storiko-soċjali intriganti ta’ Michael Refalo, u l-volum stupend dwar ħajjet Strickland." - Illum, 10 ta' Awwissu 2021
Mark Vella
Book ReviewerAs an academic, researcher and writer, I am indebted to the the professional, yet familiar, services offered by Kite Group. They involved me throughout all the stages of the book design and production. Moreover, Kite Group ascertained their full support to render my publications accessible in terms of publicity and distribution.
Mario Thomas Vassallo
Academic & authorRajt lil Kite Group imidd l-ewwel passi tiegħu, imma mill-bidu kienu passi sodi. Sa mit-twaqqif tad-dar tal-pubblikazzjoni Kite, ħarġu kotba ta' livell għoli, b'gosti li jolqtu firxa wiesgħa ta' qarrejja. Huwa ta' pjaċir għalija ngħid li ilni f'kuntatt ma' Kite Group għal seba' snin, u dejjem ħdimt għal qalbi. Flimkien wellidna s-serje ta' kotba b'aneddoti umoristiċi - jien bħala l-illustratur tal-istejjer, imma b'awturi differenti. Kite Group mill-bidu wrew fiduċja fija u ħdimna flimkien b'mod mill-aktar amikevoli imma professjonali.