We’re Experts in
The devil is in the detail and at Kite Group we focus on making every aspect of your event an enriching experience that your clients will talk about when they return home.
Our strategic and logistical expertise is a guarantee that your event speaks volumes about your company’s professional edge. From content development to social networking activities to the basic but crucial transfers from airport to venue, each component of our events is structured to send the right message to your clients.
From intimate events to national events involving thousands of people, from hosting high security risk personnel to unique dinners, from media visits to receptions and launches; Kite Group has done it all and seen it all. Adaptable to budgets and making the impossible, Kite Group has built a reputation second to none in Malta and abroad.
Concept creation, theme development and branding, budgeting
Content development, speaker sourcing, selection and management, session reporting and multi-lingual interpretation facilities
Social and onsite entertainment and artist’s performance management
Venue Sourcing
Venue sourcing, transportation management and supplier management
Event Promotion
Event promotion marketing, audio-visual productions and web platforms and applications
Event post-mortem, including participant surveys, external quality assurance and reporting
Client Testimonials
Il-vjaġġ ta’ Kite fil-qasam tal-pubblikazzjoni lokali, mhux biss kien kostanti imma kien imżewwaq b’diversi titli li bosta minnhom sfidaw l-għeluq u ċ-ċokon tas-suq Malti. Kite kompliet taħdem fuq il-kwalità tal-kontenut u l-produzzjoni u faqgħet il-bużżieqa tax-xettiċiżmu fejn jidħlu l-possibiltajiet tal-ktieb Malti. Fuq livell personali, Kite għandha pożizzjoni speċjali f’qalbi għax l-ewwel ktieb ippubblikat minnha kien tiegħi.
Sergio Grech
AwturI would like to show appreciation for the publisher of this book - the ability to guide, give feedback and support an author in a humane and super efficient manner is a unique combo of qualities. It is also priceless.
Dr Paulann Grech
AuthorSince its very recent foundation Kite Group published very interesting additions to Melitensia. All their books are de lux publications. These books are finished to international standards.
Charles Magro
Book Reviewer"Din id-dar tal-pubblikazzjoni żagħżugħa fiż-żmien imma anzjana bl-esperjenza ta’ min imexxiha ma tibżax timraħ fl-oqsma differenti tal-ktieb, kif mixhud minn pubblikazzjonijiet ta’ valur u interess bħall-bijografiji ta’ Sergio Grech, ir-riċerka storiko-soċjali intriganti ta’ Michael Refalo, u l-volum stupend dwar ħajjet Strickland." - Illum, 10 ta' Awwissu 2021
Mark Vella
Book ReviewerAs an academic, researcher and writer, I am indebted to the the professional, yet familiar, services offered by Kite Group. They involved me throughout all the stages of the book design and production. Moreover, Kite Group ascertained their full support to render my publications accessible in terms of publicity and distribution.
Mario Thomas Vassallo
Academic & authorRajt lil Kite Group imidd l-ewwel passi tiegħu, imma mill-bidu kienu passi sodi. Sa mit-twaqqif tad-dar tal-pubblikazzjoni Kite, ħarġu kotba ta' livell għoli, b'gosti li jolqtu firxa wiesgħa ta' qarrejja. Huwa ta' pjaċir għalija ngħid li ilni f'kuntatt ma' Kite Group għal seba' snin, u dejjem ħdimt għal qalbi. Flimkien wellidna s-serje ta' kotba b'aneddoti umoristiċi - jien bħala l-illustratur tal-istejjer, imma b'awturi differenti. Kite Group mill-bidu wrew fiduċja fija u ħdimna flimkien b'mod mill-aktar amikevoli imma professjonali.
Mark Schembri
Mark Schembri![image 50](https://www.kitegroup.com.mt/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/image-50.png)
Let’s Create Something
Awesome Together
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found transformed in his bed into.