
Malta and European Union Competiton Law, Judge Emeritus Silvio Meli


  • Author:Judge Emeritus Silvio Meli
  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:182
  • Year:2022
  • ISBN:978-9918-23-074-7
  • Dimensions:245 × 168 cm | 500g
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This publication by Judge Emeritus Silvio Meli is a milestone. It is the first to focus on the effects of EU Competition Law in Malta (1994) – a precursor to actual Membership within the European Union (2004). As this development adds a third feature to the Continental and Anglo-Saxon dimensions already extant in the local juridical order it is argued that as Malta absorbed the former two, it may also grasp this third dimension without difficulty. The book analysis the benefits and weaknesses of this development within the over-all reality of small economies like ours. It focuses on the ethical implications involved – “JUSTICE” being placed at the very focus of entrepreneurial activity. Whilst highlighting the major principles involved, it explores local and European case-law, and queries Malta’s contribution and rightful place within such an exclusive jurisdiction. Whilst exploring issues concerning Human Rights it examines the pitfalls that need addressing, also offering some realistic proposals for change.

Additional information

Weight 500 g
Dimensions 245 × 168 cm

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