
Id-Dritt (GħSL), Vol. XX-XXVIII €25 each volume


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Id-Dritt is a peer-reviewed law journal published exclusively by Għaqda Studenti tal-Liġi, the Malta Law Students Association, and is the oldest continuous journal of its kind on the Islands. It offers a compilation of legal articles ranging from the broad to the specific, making it an essential item to a law student’s or lawyer’s library.

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Id-Dritt XX

Title Author
European Administrative Law Principles and Maltese Administrative Law Dr Caroline Farrugia
The Plea of Res Judicata in Administrative Law with Special Reference to Development Planning Legislation: The Maltese Viewpoint Associate Professor Dr Kevin Aquilina
No More Heroes Any More? The Whistle-Blowing Dilemma: Recent Developments and a Fresh Look at Some Conceptual Issues Dr David Fabri
Individual’s Right to Reparation for Breaches of Community Law Attributable to the State Dr Eugène Borg
Theft, Misappropriation and Fraud. Any Difference? Magistrate Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera
Perjury Dr Stephen Tonna Lowell
The United Nations Human Trafficking and Smuggling Protocols – A Brief Overview with Specific Reference to Maltese Criminal Law Dr Jean Paul Grech
Regulating the taking and retention of DNA profiles: a delicate balancing act Dr Jeanne Pia Mifsud Bonnici
Child Rights and State Responsibility in Determining ‘Home’ Dr Ruth Farrugia
The Real Differences between the Actio Spolii and the Actio Manutentionis Mr Justice Joseph Azzopardi
The Canonical Process for the Declaration of the Nullity of Marriage in the 1983 Code of Canon Law and the 2005 Instruction Dignitatis Conubii Msgr Dr Joseph Bajada
Domicile of Origin – The Taxman’s Ageing Tool Ann Xuereb
Commemorating the 1988 Maltese Initiative on Global Climate Change Dr Simone Borg
The Libelling of a Juridical Person Dr Alex Perici Calascione
The Place of the Codice Municipale di Malta in European Legal History Dr Mark Anthony Sammut
Ir-Rwol tat-Traduzzjoni fil-Qorti tal-Gustizzja tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej Joseph Izzo Clarke



Id-Dritt XXI

Title Author
Leases of Commercial Premises: a Reform in Course Phyllis Aquilina
Best Interests of the Child in the Family Conflict Ruth Farrugia
Factual and Legal Issues in Recent Medical Malpractice Cases: a Critical Analysis Alessandro Lia
‘Two of a Kind’: A Private Law for Non-Marital Unions in Malta Philip Magri
Moral Damages outside the Ambit of the Maltese Civil Code Claude Micallef-Grimaud
Harmonised Commercial Law Principles in Investor-State International Commercial Arbitrations among Euro-Med Partners Mary Ayad
Warranties in Marine Insurance: the Maltese Legal Perspective Geraldine Baldacchino
Trustees and Anti-Money Laundering-Counter Terrorism Financing: a Case of Running with the Hare and Hunting with the Hounds? Anthony Cremona
‘Writing History with Lightning’: Notes on Comparative Legal History Seàn Donlan
The Right to Legal Advice During Police Interrogation – The Maltese Niceties Franco Galea
The Crime of Conspiracy Consuelo Scerri Herrera
Retroactivity in Criminal Procedure Stephen Tonna Lowell
The Contemporary Urban Planning Framework in Bulgaria Lino Bianco
Adapting to Climate Change in Malta: Identifying the Requisite Legal Framework from a Sectoral Perspective Simone Borg
Environmental Modifications and International Law: ‘Climate of War’ for Human Rights Salvatore Nicolosi
The Lisbon Treaty: Negotiated Complexity David Friggieri
Irregular Maritime Migration in Context Patricia Mallia
Consular Assistance and the Due Process of Law Mark A Sammut
Diffusing Confusion: Classifying Statutory Sources Regulating Maltese Media Law Kevin Aquilina



Id-Dritt XXII

Title Author
The Price of Whistle blowing: the flawed ECJ Decision in Stanley Adams vs Commission of the European Communities (1985) Dr David Fabri
Salient Features of the Aircraft Registration Act Dr Matthew Xerri
Malta Divorce Era Dr Emmy Bezzina
US Criminal Justice Interview Professor Robert Costello
The Court of Magistrates’ “Extended” Competence Dr Stephen Tonna Lowell
Historical Facts and Myths surrounding the Criminal Code Dr Mark A. Sammut
Defining the consumer in order to protect him – the continuous duel between the notion of ‘consumer’ in EU directives and in the Court of Justice’s free movement decisions Dr Annalies Azzopardi
Judicial Review of Administrative Acts in the European Union and in France: A Comparison Dr Natasha Buontempo
Mission Accomplished? The Evolution of the Action for Annulment and Access to Justice in the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon Dr Jeanette Ciantar
The Patient’s Right to Cross-Border Treatment Dr Paul Micallef Grimaud
Is the AIFMD a Threat to the Maltese Hedge Funds Industry? Dr Charles Cassar
Is the International Criminal Court fit to prosecute crimes committed by terrorist organisations? Dr Ann Spiteri
Non-Autochthonous Law Influences on the Maltese Legal System Professor Kevin Aquilina
Are all illegal immigrants asylum-seekers? What constitutes as Asylum seeker in Malta Magistrate Dr Consuelo Scerri Herrera



Id-Dritt XXIII

Title Author
Parental Liability for the Tortuous Act of the Minor in the Light of Italian and Maltese Law: a Shift Towards the Italian Concept of ‘Culpa in Educando’? Paul Borg
Pacta sunt servanda and good faith in contracts – Re-visited Louis de Gabriele
To be personally liable? No (tax) question about it! Sarah J. Scicluna
The proposed deposiary reforms under the AIFM Directive and their impact on Malta’s attractiveness as a growing onshore fund domicile Andrea Luciano and David Zahra
From the Court Room to the Ballot Box Angelo Micallef
Disclosing Official Secrets in terms of Article 133 of the Criminal Code Kevin Aquilina
The principle of ne bis in idem as a defence in Criminal matters Consuelo Scerri Herrera
EU Renewable Energy Law: The Legal Challenges and Effects of an Alternative Investment Simone Borg and Peter Grima
Do Rights of Foreign Investors Fall Within The Scope of International Human Rights Law? Mary B. Ayad
Once Upon a Time on the Internet: is freedom of expression on the Internet a veritable Wild West? Daniel Barker, Ieva Berziņa, Cormac Callanan and Mark A Sammut
Security Governance and International Anti-Trafficking Responses Roberta Avellino
Piracy Jure Gentium: The Situation in the Gulf of Aden and the Role of the International Community Luana Bezzina
Can the killing of Bin Laden be qualified as a case of targeted killing? Elizabeth Borg
The Notion of Public Faith and the Office of Notary Public Daniel John Bugeja
A Brief Outline to the Introduction of the Freedom of the Press in Colonial Malta: Remembering: Giorgio Mitrovich and Camillo Sceberras Silvio Meli



Id-Dritt XXIV

Title Author
Aircraft Liens, Detention and Sale Joseph Ghio and Nicolai Vella Falzon
Cyber Terrorism: A New Threat Against the Aviation Industry Rebekah Tanti-Dougall
Regulating the Value of Genetic Knowledge Daphne Ann Grech
Banking on the Future: Umbilical Cord Blood Banks Alessia Psaila Zammit, Marisa Vella, Daniela Cassar
Protecting Salaries from Garnishee Orders: A Practical Labyrinth? Carlos Bugeja
Medieval (Legal) Beasts in our Midst? A Terminological ad fonts look at the Dissolution of Contracts Mark A Sammut with Patrick A Cuignet
Past and Present of Carriage of Goods by Sea from the International Conventions’ Perspective Carlo Corcione
Constitutional Change: Proposals for Reform Kevin Aquilina
The Cell Company Structure under Maltese Law Johann Farrugia
The Rights of the Accused in Light of Recent Developments and Proposed Reforms Franco Debono
A Conceptual Re-Characterisation of Universal Criminal Jurisdiction Christopher Soler
The Remote Gaming Industry in Malta Dean Micallef and Rachel Galea
I Spy with the Internet as my Eye: The Right to Privacy in the Electronic Surveillance Age Ann Marie Spiteri
The Examination of Title in the Transfer of Immovable Property in the Light of Recent Reforms in Notarial Law James Grech
Mediation in Child Abduction and Access Cases under the Hague Convention 1980 and the Brussels II bis Sandra Hili Vassallo and John Axiak
Malta’s Ship Registration Potential: Law as means to an End? Jotham Scerri-Diacono and Timothy A Bartolo
Recent Developments in the Exchange of Information and Cross-Border Cooperation between Tax Authorities Mariella Rapa



Id-Dritt XXV

Title Author
Key Elements to Ensure a Legally Valid Process in Internal Disciplinary Procedures Kevin Aquilina
MH17 Tragedy: Where does Responsibility Start and Where does it End? Lara Buttigieg
Disruptive Passengers on Board Aircraft Rebekah Tanti-Dougall
Reporting of Child Abuse – Should it be Mandatory for Professionals? Daniela Azzopardi Bonanno
Maltese Constitutional Development at the Turn of the 20th Century: A Historico-Legal Perspective Claire Bonello
Quo Vadis Parliament Autonomy? Revisiting of the Maltese Parliamentary Standing Orders Anġlu Farrugia and Clive Gerada
Questioning Parliamentary Supremacy over the Courts Yet Again Ivan Mifsud
Judicial Importation of Italian Private Law Solutions and its Implications Mark A Sammut
The Necessary Requisites of Judgements According to Article 382 of the Criminal Code Amadeus Cachia
The Right to be Forgotten: Bringing the Data Protection Directive into the Internet Search Engine Era Ann Marie Spiteri
EU Citizenship: A Rightful Component Emanating from the Transition towards a Union or a too Far-Fetched Widening of the EU Fundamental Rights? Justine Calleja
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive in Malta: Past, Present… What next? Christopher P Buttigieg
The Proposed Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive: What has Changed? Stephanie J Coppini
Gender and Domestic Violence Consuelo Scerri Herrera and Justine Scerri Herrera
The Capitula of Malta and Gozo – Late Mediaeval Legislative Enactments with Multicoloured Facets Raymond Mangion
A Legal Snapshot of the European Online Gaming Industry going into 2015 Michele Magro
A New Era for Trade Marks? Jeanine Rizzo
Today’s Terrorist s Tomorrow’s Statesman – Does the Law of Self-Determination provide any Justification for Terrorist Acts? Roberta Avellino
The Mental Health Act of 2012 John M Cachia
The Value in Legislating for Family Businesses Nadine Sant
Informed Consent in Medical Practice in Maltese Legislation Bridget Ellul
Notaries – Too Many Hats? Roland Wadge
The Six-Week Deadline under the Hague 1980 Convention Sandra Hili Vassallo
Constitutional Safeguards in Tax Litigation: How the John Geranzi Case Upset the Status Quo Conrad Cassar Torreggiani and Christopher Bergedahl



Id-Dritt XXVI

Title Author
Brussels IV: An EU wide Framework that Addresses Cross-Border Successions Liana Micallef
The Doctrine of Ancillary Restraints: Theory and Practical use Annalies Azzopardi
A Comparative Analysis of Crowdfunding Rules within the European Union David Zahra and Francesca Ferrando
Reflections on Consumer Redress in Malta with reference to recent Legislative Developments Paul Edgar Micallef
The Law of Evidence in Criminal Matters Consuelo Scerri Herrera
Social Games and Gamblification: A Legal Study Emma Grech
The French Occupation of 1798: Facts, Myths and Law Mark A Sammut
Cloud Computing: The Challenge to Privacy in light of the Proposed Data Protection Regulation Alistair Facciol
Character Merchandising under Maltese Law: Patchwork Solutions Terence Cassar
The Relevance of the Issue of Custody in Hague Convention Cases: Is it a Related or Superfluous Concept? John Axiak and Sandra Hili Vassallo
Statement by Dr Alex Sceberras Trigona Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Malta Permanent Mission of the Republic of Malta to the United Nations Alex Sceberras Trigona
The Legal Implications of Foreign Participation in a Non-International Armed Conflict Ann Marie Spiteri
They also Serve who only Stand and Wait: Exploring the Economy of Legal Time in Malta David E Zammit
Stages in the Principle of Proportionality Natasha Buontempo



Id-Dritt XXVII

Title Author
The Formal Requirements for post-2010 Residential Letting Contracts: A Positive Reform or a Retrograde Step? Kurt Xerri
The Motor Insurance Directive: A Legal Basis for Civil Courts in Malta to grant Moral Damages? Matthew Xuereb
The Wealth Management of Family Businesses and the Family Business Act Maria Farrugia, Nadine Lia
Shareholders Agreements: A Tool to Shareholder Safeguards? Nicola Lapira
The Regulation of Estate Agents David Fabri, Antione Grima
The Admissibility of Cross Border Evidence in Mutual Legal Assistance and Mutual Legal Recognition Justine Scerri Herrera
Owners’ Consent in Planning Applications Robert Musumeci
Juridical Interest as a Prerequisite for Environmental Actions: Myth or Reality? Jotham Scerri-Diacono, Annalise Caruana, Rachel Genovese
The Establishment of the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services: A Step in the right Direction? Paul E Micallef
The Human Rights Implications of a Non-Literal Transposition in Malta of Article 1 of Council Framework Decision 2008/913/EU Kevin Aquilina
The Principle of Subsidiarity in the European Convention and the Nature of the European Court of Human Rights Natasha Buontempo
Push-back of Migrants in the Mediterranean may violate European Law and European Human Rights Law Clara Burbano Herrera
Consumer Protection in the Cloud Alistair Facciol
The Maltese Medieval Notary Daniel J Bugeja
The Oath – Genesis, Development, and Augustinian Orientations: A Re-Visitation in light of recent Scholarship Silvio Meli
The Expert Witness in Civil Cases Consuelo Scerri Herrera
Ir-Rikuża tal-Ġudikant Philip Sciberras
Maltese Anti-Tax Avoidance in the post-BEPS era: Quo Vadis? Timothy Borg Olivier, Christopher Bergedahl
Anti-CFC Legislation and the European Union Factor Jonathan De Giovanni




Title Author
The role of current Maltese legislation in the prevention of traffic accidents in Malta Mariah Mula
My Patient – the Unborn Human Child Godfrey Farrugia
The Multidimensionality of Privacy: Joseph A Cannataci’s ‘The Individual and Privacy’ Kevin Aquilina
Le funzioni della Responsabiltà Civile nel panorama Italiano, e il difficle dialogo con il Danno Tanatologico Anunziata Rapillo
An effective regulatory enforcement and sanctions regime post the Federation of Estates Agents Case: the issues Paul Edgar Micallef Grimaud
An analysis of the Maltese Criminal Law on Female Genital Mutilation and reflections on potential legal & social consequences Jeanise Dalli
Evaluating the impact of the EU Directives regarding criminal investigations, namely 48/2013 regarding the rights of a suspect Consuelo Scerri Herrera
Is current legislation ready to embrace the Blockchain revolution, and what is the legal position of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO’s)? Jonathan Galea, Joe Borg, Erika Micallef, Miriana Borg
Consent in the light of the General Data Protection Regulation Sharon Xuereb, Terence Cassar
The General Data Protection Regulation: Automated decisions and the impact on Big Data Analytics Alastair Facciol
Employment Law – Disciplinary procedures and warnings Natalino Caruana De Brincat
The Recast Renewable Energy Directive – Any consequences for climate change? Rya Gatt
Brussels: the new Babylon? Law and language in the European Union? Roxanne Meilak Borg
A Discussion of Proportionality in selected cases of EU Fundamental Rights Natasha Buontempo
Multilingualism and EU Legal Terminology Diane Sultana
The Eurasian Economic Union Risks and opportunities of an emerging Europe Werner Miguel Kühn
The future of Malta’s Gaming legal framework: Overhauling the System Silvana Zammit
Some general reflections on characteristic features of International Humanitarian Law? Marcin Marcinko
The Malta Government Gazette: a chronicle of History in the making? Kevin Aquilina
Unmanned Surface Vehicles and Piracy – Identifying the (New) Legal System Caroline Grech
Article 469A from a Planning Law Perspective Robert Musumeci
Freedom of Speech and the Media: An Absolute or Derogable Human Right? Vincent De Gaetano

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