Id-Dritt XXX Vol. 1
Title | Author |
Legislative Recourse to Public Administration Law offences – barking up the wrong tree? | Kevin Aquilina |
The perils of positivist thinking in Public Law | Tonio Borg |
Five Freedoms, Five Domains: An analysis of the implementation, or lack thereof, of the Five Freedoms and the Five Domains in the Maltese Animal Welfare Act | Ariane Aquilina |
Act XVI of 2019 – A Missed Opportunity to improve Market Regulation in Malta? | Paul Edgar Micallef |
The liquidator: A straightforward job or a gateway to personal liability? | Ryan Dalli |
Can directors and shareholders be held liable for acts committed by the company? | Luke Mizzi, Emma-Marie Sammut |
21st February 2019 – Black Thursday for the Constitutional Court | Giovanni Bonello |
Confessions in a Court of Law | Consuelo Scerri Herrera |
Prosecuting and defending White-Collar Crime | Charles Mercieca |
Dissertation summary of the constitutive elements of the crime of forced marriage punishable under Article 251G of the Criminal Code | Jessica-Ann Spiteri |
Planning legislation in Malta – A brief historical overview | Robert Musumeci |
Employment, and the Gig Economy | Krista Ellul |
Leave policies and legislation in Malta: How gender equal? | Frances Camilleri-Cassar |
Conserving our natural environment and sustainability: a legal rendition | Nathaniel Falzon |
The right to a healthy environment in the Constitution of Malta: Abstract of ‘The Second Republic – A Green One’ | Ethan Brincat |
Malta’s new Trademark Act, and trade secret laws 2019 | Maria Chetcuti-Cauchi |
Id-Dritt XXX Vol. 2
Title | Author |
Prosecuting ISIS for committing crimes against humanity and genocide against the Yazidis: The implications and limitations under International Law | Kathleen Vella |
Auctores Intellectuales: A critical analysis of ICC jurisprudence on the concept of coperpetration | Roberta Spiteri |
Il valore risocializzante della pena detentiva sottolineato dalla sentenza torreggiano e l’art. 27(3) cost | Andrea Zammit |
Amabile Bonello’s essay on the Public Law of Malta | Mark A. Sammut |
Pro-Italianism, treason and conspiracy in wartime Malta – A judicial inquiry into deportation and capital punishments as imperial deterrents | Andrea Zammit |
Legal implications arising from the decision of the Maltese Court of Appeal regarding the Bright Star (ex Trading Fabrizia) case | Kevin Dingli |
The Police Commissioner: an unregulated officer of the law? | Peter Paul Zammit |
An evaluation of the diritto di cronaca under the Maltese Press Act | Kevin Aquilina |
A comparison of the Hague Convention, and the Recast Regulation | Therese Lia |
‘Originality’ is of utmost importance in academic writing: What counts as original? | Frances Camilleri-Cassar |
The Merits or otherwise, of the selection of “the last habitual residence of the deceased” as the Principal Connecting Factor in the EU Succession Regulation (EU) – No. 650/2012 | Carmelo Gafà, Daniele Gafà |
Towards a neutral corporate tax for the transportation industry – Rethinking the transportation industry formula of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base Directive Proposal under EU law | Shu-Chien Chen |
The scope of the ‘pure’ VAT exemptions and their interpretation by the CJEU, with particular reference to the services referred to in Article 135(1)(g) of Directive 2006/112/EC as well as the provisions’ transposition into Maltese law | Sean Portelli |
Pacta Sunt Servanda and smart contracts – Is code law? | Julian Bajada |
How could Distributed Ledger Technology and Smart Contracts bring about a paradigm shift in consumer rights legislation? | Marc Dimech |