1. Opening Speech
Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
2. Resilience in an Age of Uncertainty
Tomáš Halík
3. Braving a Troubled World. Theological Explorations of Resilience
John Anthony Berry
4. Sources of Resilience in Thomas Aquinas
Piotr Roszak
5. Kierkegaard as a Theological Resource for Guardini’s Resilience in his Time and Ours
Joshua Furnal
6. Romano Guardini, Virtue Ethics and Resilience
Mirosław Mróz
7. The Nature of Religiosity in Our Time. Being Resilient through the Courage of Interfaith
Ambrogio Bongiovanni
8. Nothing Can Stop God from Reaching Us. Transcending Aggressive Popular Sovereignty:
Romano Guardini and Raphael Tijhuis, O.Carm
Charló Camilleri
9. Resilience in an Age of Screens. The Challenge of Online Presence
Nadia Delicata
10. Learning to Sail on the Open Sea. Bonhoeffer on Resilience
Joel Burnell
11. Kenosis and Hiddenness. A Paradox for the Christian
Hector Scerri
12. Resilience of the Marginalised. Exploring the Future of Christianity
Juan Pablo García Maestro
13. The Commodification of Resilience. Rediscovering the Virtue of Christian Hope for a Troubled World
Eamonn Conway – Kerry Greer
14. Thomas Merton. A Man for his Time A Prophet for All Times
Dorianne Buttigieg
15. Guardini’s Concept of ‘Living Unity’ in the Context of the Liturgical Act
Mariella Catania
16. C.S. Lewis and Resilience as Key to the Cultivation of Virtue and Christian Identity
Nikki Felice
17. Nothingness and Absence as a Means of Resilience. A Dialogue between the Spirituality of Simone Weil and Thomas Merton
Tyrone Grima
18. A Humane and Humanising God. Karl Barth’s Foundation for a Christian Praxis
Carl Scerri
19. The Awakening Church. Resilience and the People of God in Guardini
Mark Joseph Zammit