Title | Author |
Appeals on a Point of Law from the Industrial Tribunal’s Decisions: Is there an established benchmark? | Sheldon Micallef |
Practical Failures in Maltese Building Regulation Resulting from Parallel Public and Civil Law Regimes in the Realm of Rock Excavation | Danika Cutajar |
Abbużi f’Talbiet għall-Ħruġ ta’ Mandat ta’ Sekwestru Kawtelatorju | Carmelo Galea |
Triage in Family Courts: When it is needed and how to do it | Philip Marcus |
The Irrevocable Mandate Granted By Way of Security under Maltese Law | Janine Camilleri Mizzi |
The History and Development of ESG Legislation | Luca Amato |
A SICAV Fund and its Assets: Rights of an Investor in relation thereto | Pierpaolo Marano, John Consiglio |
An Overview of the EU Resolution Legal Framework and its Importance in the Financial System | Steve Vella, Charlotte Gauci, Lynn Spiteri Dalmas |
A Criticism of the Protection of the Whistleblowers Act: How Effective is the Act? Are Whistleblowers Guaranteed Protection? | Andrè Zerafa, Bettina Gatt |
Unlearnt Lessons from the 1921 Self-Government Colonial Constitution – Micallef Goggi vs Mifsud et: An Audacious Judgment that Annulled Electoral Laws | Kevin Aquilina |
Ousting the Ouster Clause | Tonio Borg |
Reflections on measures to protect collective consumer rights in Malta | Paul Edgar Micallef |
Il-Liġi Kriminali u s-Sinistri Stradali | Robert Musumeci |
Equitable remedies in tax controversy: Considering the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Zammit vs Il-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi | Jake Desira, Christopher Bergedahl |
The Immigration Appeals Board: a compromised body and its unchecked practice | Mireille Boffa, Alexis Galand |
The definite article 2: a brief overview of Art. 2 of the ECHR | Vincent A. De Gaetano |
Cyber Attacks and Cyber Espionage under existing international law norms: a digital Wild West? | Nathaniel Falzon |
Withdrawal from treaties as an executive prerogative under Malta’s Ratification of Treaties Act 1983: Time to Revisit? | Omar Grech |
Book Review: Robert Attard and Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Taxation at the European Court of Human Rights (Wolters Kluwer) 2023, ISBN 978- 94-035-1896-1 | Vincent A. De Gaetano |
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