
Further and Higher Education in Malta: Challenges, Perspectives, Solutions


Editors: Rose Anne Cuschieri, Aaron Aquilina & Adam Liwak


Further and Higher Education in Malta is divided into two main sections that explore the current state and future of education in Malta. The first provides insights into innovative teaching methods, the gamification of curricula, and how online learning impacts students’ mental well being and unlocks new horizons in higher education. The second section explores the dynamic interplay between students and educators. This insightful book is a source of knowledge, offering a holistic and thought-provoking view of the Maltese educational landscape and the perspectives that shape its future. This book is essential reading for educators, policymakers, and anyone invested in the evolution of education in Malta and beyond.”

Prof. Joseph Giordmaina
Head, Department of Education Studies
University of Malta

  • Author:Editors: Rose Anne Cuschieri, Aaron Aquilina, Adam Liwak
  • Format:Paperback
  • Pages:300
  • Year:2023
  • ISBN:978-9918-23-122-5
  • Dimensions:245 × 168 cm
  • Social Share:


Introduction Rose Anne Cuschieri, Aaron Aquilina, and Adam Liwak

Section 1: Online Learning and Teaching: Local Education and its Futures

Students’ Perspectives on Online Learning, with a Special Focus on Gamification of the Curriculum
Nevena Jaftha and Christian Cassar

COVID-19 and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Mathematics at Post-Compulsory Level
Marouska Zahra Micallef

Higher Education’s Shift to Online Learning: A Students’ Mental Wellbeing Perspective
Renzo Kerr-Cumbo and Ayrton Zarb

Open and Networked Higher Education
Maria Cutajar

Defining E-learning Best Practices within Adult Higher Educational Institutes
Stephen D’Alessandro

An Evaluation of the Use of EdTech for Vocational Education During COVID-19 in the Maltese Context
Alison Claire Shaw

Section 2: Peopled Institutions: The Evolving Roles of Learners and Educators

Labor omnia vincit – Overcoming Challenges: Classical Studies in a Post-secondary Environment
Maria Giuliana Fenech

Constructive Resonance or Destructive Interference? Lessons Learnt from Joint Supervision Experiences in Higher Education in Malta
Angele Pulis and Heathcliff Schembri

Does Inclusive Education in Malta Cater for the Needs of Individual Students?
Antoinette Schembri

The Challenge of Dropouts and the Future of VET and Higher Education Institutions: A Review
Marco Montalto and Tatjana Chircop

Creating Learning for a Meaningful Life
Christopher Bezzina

Establishing a Research Culture within Vocational Higher Education: The MCAST Case Study
Alex Rizzo, Clifford De Raffaele, Joachim James Calleja, Rose Falzon, Ronald Aquilina, and Edwin Zammit

A Proposal of a Framework for Continuous Professional Development for Teachers in a Post-Secondary School in Malta
Claudia Vella

Additional information

Dimensions 245 × 168 cm

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